Sunday, April 8, 2012

This past weekend, Toni and I took a road trip down the shore. We went to Jenkinson's Pier in Point Pleasant. Ever since I was a kid, my family and I took frequent trips down to visit the boardwalk. Jenkinson's quickly became my favorite New Jersey amusement. From great rides to great food, the boardwalk has it all. A day can quickly be filled with either playing games along the boardwalk, eating a variety of foods, or going on thrilling rides. Games one can find along the boardwalk range from dart throwing games, to shooting hoops, to water gun games, to leap frog, to ring toss. Food that's found along the boardwalk can be pizza, french fries, Kohr's ice cream (my personal favorite),  funnel cake, zeppoles, italian ices, salt water taffy, candy apples, and fudge. Rides found at Jenk's range from small roller coasters to train rides, to riding in the back of alligators, to merry go rounds. As a child, I would always ride in the back of the alligator named Victoria. She was my favorite because we shared a name. The first picture posted is of a sign for Jenkinson's Boardwalk. The second picture is along the boardwalk displaying certain food stands and games. The third picture is of me enjoying my favorite ice cream in the entire world, Kohr's chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. Yum. 

1 comment:

  1. I think this place always appears on the Jersey Shore. It seems like a really great place to be, I'd love to come and hangout there.
