Sunday, March 25, 2012

Clinton Falls


This weekend I visited Clinton Falls. It is the most photographed spot in New Jersey; so I was curious to see its well-known red mill. I enjoyed taking pictures of this landmark and the museum next to it. The entire town of Clinton had an old, charming, feel that I liked. Most of the buildings there where built in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries adding character to the town. There were many restaurants and art galleries to see. As I walked around the town I felt like I was not only walking through a town with buildings, but a community. I saw different store owners talking together, and residents stopping each other on the street to chat. I feel like this sense of community is found in many suburban areas of New Jersey. Even in Millburn there is a feeling of being connected that we all share due to our similar styles of living and our town's culture. Clinton had its own unique town culture, and inspired me to visit more towns in this state to see and feel the difference in communities.


  1. This is beautiful. I did not even know that this ever existed until now. I may have to go ad visit it to see it for myself. It is funny that it is the most photographed spot in New Jersey, i have never ever heard of it. I like what you were saying about how each and every town has its own and unique community.

  2. I too had never seen this until now. It is very beautiful and shows so much character from a small town. As i addressed in a previous comment the town can tell a lot about the culture food is not the only thing that provides evidence of the towns culture but the buildings and the layout do too. The plants and the water beside the red building provide a slow calm peaceful feeling which I would assume play into the culture of clinton falls. It is a beautiful place to visit and i hope one day I can see theses sights for myself.

  3. I have never seen this before. I would actually never guess that there are places that look like this in NJ. This is probably because I am so used to the Millburn and Maplewood areas of NJ and never really go to the older towns that have nicely maintained buildings that date back to earlier times. These photos are really great and it's nice to know that there areas like this one in Clinton are still preserved.

  4. I've never visited this red barn, but it seems beautiful from the pictures. I would definitely love to take a trip over there and photograph what looks to be like a gorgeous town. The older town vibe is also really something special to find, especially in New Jersey.

  5. I have played Clinton many times in travel soccer it always seemed like a lovely older town. I would definitely consider going to the town again just to see what it is about.
