Sunday, March 11, 2012

White House, Atlantic City

If you go down the shore to Atlantic City, and you ask where the best place to get food is, all the natives will tell you White House Sub shop on the corner of Mississippi and Arctic. Every year as my Grandparents took me down to the apartment in Margate, the town next to Atlantic City, we would always go to White House. It is famous for their steak subs. Thats what i got every time i went; topped with their phenomenal hot peppers. The sub shop has been located there since before the 40's. In a small venue, it is always packed, but the manager has refused to open up a bigger restaurant or make it a chain. As viewed in the third picture, they have a wall with a ton of pictures of famous actors, singers, and bands; most famous the Beatles have a picture on the wall of them holding a 6 foot sub from White House.


  1. I always go down the shore, but I have never been to the White House. I always stay in Long Beach Island which is not too far away, maybe I will go there to taste test. It is funny though, I first thought this was a diner because it has many of the same characteristics that we spoke about in class.

  2. These photos are great! I especially like the second one. It shows the efficiency of this establihment and the workers there seem really experienced. It looks very natural to me, like there's a nice flow to the sub shop. I also like that the manger wanted to keep the shop as is, it's nice to see original establishments that last, hold a lot of history, and even have some famous visitors. I also find that older establishments tend to give off a more comfortable vibe.

  3. I love photos of old restaurants that are still around today. You can tell that the outside is run down but that is probably what lures customers in. Even just looking at the second picture, I can tell that the atmosphere is homey and welcoming. The pictures on the wall show the restaurant through its history. The way you described the food sounds delicious and worth taking a trip down to Atlantic City.

  4. It is always the hole in the wall restaurants that have the best food! I could imagine a place like this having an amazing menu, all because of the passion of the people who own it. The second photo depicts that hard working staff and the quality of what is being placed in the subs. The wall full of photos displayed in the third picture demonstrates how proud everyone is of the restaurant and what a good feeling it is when people travel from all over for a taste of their creations. The photos give a feeling of a fun filled family restaurant that I would love to try in one of my future trips down the shore!

  5. I've never been here before but I love the way it looks. The way it is build old fashion is really cool. Atlantic City has been a known city of New Jersey for a while and nothing is commercialized. I can totally see this place having awesome food and a quick cheap meal. I will definitely bring this restaurant up as a suggestion next time i go to Atlantic City.

  6. I've actually been to the White House! My family has a house in Margate and before we leave my parents stop to grab there favorite subs. One time my dad was banging on the door because it just closed as we got there and we were leaving that night. My mom always gets the pizza steak sub with hot peppers and it is amazing. It is great that places like this are still around and not destroyed by chain restaurants.

  7. This looks like such a great place to eat! I've never been there but every time my family and I go down to the beach we have to get subs from the sub shop. From the pictures it looks like such a friendly environment; I can totally see all the locals from there going everyday and having tons of people to say hi to and have the chefs there know their orders right away. Its places like that that make you feel at home.

  8. I think it's so cool how this place has been around since the 40's. I've never been to Atlantic City, but if I ever do go down there, I will definitely check this place out. I would also like to see the wall with all of the famous people's pictures because I find it amazing that so many famous people would come to such a secluded restaurant in New Jersey just for food!

  9. I have never been to Atlantic City, but if I ever go I will be sure to visit this sub shop. It is cool how this place has been around since the 1940's, and is still running. Also, the fact that the manager refuses to make it larger or a chain makes me want to visit even more. It says a lot about a manager who would prefer to keep his restaurant's style the same than to change it for the money. I respect that.

  10. The place looks really good. I plan on going down to Atlantic City during break, and I'll be sure to go here. I think it's great that local restaurants are not interested in expanding. I believe it is more authentic and unique when there is only one restaurant to eat at. This is a great landmark for New Jersey!

  11. I have never been to this place, but it looks like somewhere I would definitely go to for a meal. This place has been around for quite some time now, so I am sure that the food and costumer service there is very good. This is a place that would like to travel to if I were to visit Atlantic City sometime in the near future.

  12. Wow! This place looks awesome. Such a classic looking diner, and so Jersey proud. This definitely looks like a place I want to go to, and most definitely get a steak sub. I also love how it's famous to all the locals and has such a long history marked with so many great musicians and other famous people stopping in to eat. And these guys definitely look like they know how to make a phenomenal sandwich, and we all know there's nothing better in this world than a great 12 inch sub.

  13. I've never been to this place, but my mouth is already watering just by looking at the food. Diners are my favorite place to go to and I love going to new ones so I'll definitely go to the White House in Atlantic City if I am ever by there. On another note wow! totally love the wall. For some weird reason I like to look at things like pictures or the back of a cereal box while I eat, so seat by the pictures would be nice.

  14. I have never been down to Atlantic City, but the first restaurant I would go to when go there would be White House. It's cool how so many famous actors and singers have eaten at this place. I like the picture of the four guys all lined up making subs. It reminds me of the Millburn deli because it looks like they are always in a rush because of big crowds. I definitely need to try this place this summer.

  15. Atlantic City isn't really my kind of place but it looks like an awesome sub shop. The most charming aspect of it was not only the friendly and welcoming photos on the wall, but the fact that the owner refuses to open a larger chain. Places like these that focus solely on quality of their products, and happiness of their customers make our state. I'm sure that if it were to loose it's quiet and friendly feeling it would no longer be such a treasure. Altogether, it looks like an awesome place that really defines New Jersey.

  16. Its sad to say that I have never been to Atlantic City, but this deli sounds delicious! The atmosphere seems friendly and welcoming. The original sub shops are always the best in Jersey! It must be a great place if it has been around for this many years. I love going into shops that keep there stores looking the same as it did when they first opened. Of course somethings had to have changed but I love the fact that it does not look modern. This is definitely a place I am going to have to try!
