Sunday, April 29, 2012

One morning over break, I did not have my car. I had to get some groceries, and it was a nice day, so I decided to walk to ShopRite. As I was walking, I passed by a place I must have passed 100 times, but have never taken the time to look at. I passed by the Guy R. Bosworth American Legion post 140. I noticed the cannon right off the back and the bricks, but I was still not sure as to what this place was. I researched the information online, and I figured out that the American Legion provides support for American Veterans whether it be recognition, financial support, or finding jobs after the war. I also learned that on Veterans Day there is a ceremony that the mayor participates in. This is to remember and respect all those that served for our country. I think that it is amazing that we have an American Legion in our town because I think it is very important to value veterans because they dedicate their lives for the betterment of our lives. I believe that there should be more people contributing and supporting the American Legion as it is for a very noble cause and these people definitely deserve it.

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