Sunday, April 15, 2012

Orange NJ

Born and raised in Orange New Jersey John J. McLaughlin jr. served as the postmaster and city commissioner for over 20 years. He and his wife raised their 7 children in Orange down the street from where he grew up, on East Clark Place. He was so dedicated to Orange and his work. When he passed away in 1983 the township of Orange decided to rename East Clark Place to McLaughlin Place to honor all of his hard work and dedication. I was fortunate enough to be able to visit McLaughlin Place this past weekend and see where my father grew up. Although I never got to meet my grandfather I know that this street sign in Orange, and his name plate from his office which hangs in my house, hang in his honor. 

1 comment:

  1. That is very amazing that you got to trace back to see where your father grew up. I know that when I saw where my parents lived, it was a very special moment for me. Incidentally, there is an Inwood Place in Maplewood, but that is not directed towards my family.
