Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pulaski Barbeque

This friday, my friend Gabby Hamilton and I went to Pulaski Barbeque. We were feeling particularly Portuguese and wanted some good barbeque chicken. Though there are good places closer to us such as the Burnet Barbeque (which my family used to own), and Rei de Manivela in Hillside, nothing compares to Pulaski Barbeque in Newark. At night it is always busy with families in the dining room and on the weekends there is a line out the door for take-out. Because we went right after school on a friday, take out was quick! For only $12 you get a whole chicken (which they make right there as you can see in the picture), your choice of rice (yellow or white), and a load of fries. Trust me, all my life I've encountered portuguese barbeque and Pulaski does it right! They also make other foods such as ribs and steak. I REALLY recommend paying a visit to Pulaski's, you won't be disappointed. Altogether, places like this make up what New Jersey is to me. I spent a lot of time in Newark throughout my childhood and have shared many
laughs over lunches and dinners in places like these. Don't
forget, it's good but you have to pace yourself cause you'll be full really quick like Gabby was.


  1. This place looks so good! I've been to a few Portuguese restaurants in Newark, but none that were too good. My family is real foodies so they will appreciate this. It looks very casual and homey. Somewhere you could go with a big group of people. Places that you never think you would like from the outside usually have the best food.

  2. It really looks like I'll enjoy this place. I love finding new and different restaurants to eat at and this definitely fits the criteria. Lots and lots of food at a cheap price.
